1. 1st. Sofia Cui
    Unidos Training
    Burpees Reload Part I: 1st (02:25)
    The devil in me : 1st (06:08)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 1st (02:28)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 1st (06:18)
  2. 2st. Simone Haro
    Burpees Reload Part I: 2nd (02:28)
    The devil in me : 2nd (06:24)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 5th (03:10)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 3rd (06:25)
  3. 3st. Veronica Bustamante
    Box Fit 311
    Burpees Reload Part I: 4th (02:40)
    The devil in me : 7th (10:27)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 2nd (02:59)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 2nd (06:22)
  4. 4st. Catalina Rojas
    Unidos Training
    Burpees Reload Part I: 5th (02:59)
    The devil in me : 4th (06:55)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 2nd (02:59)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 4th (07:02)
  5. 5st. Marjorie Cordova
    Burpees Reload Part I: 3rd (02:33)
    The devil in me : 5th (10:00)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 4th (03:08)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 5th (08:14)
  6. 6st. Katherine Uribe
    Burpees Reload Part I: 6th (03:06)
    The devil in me : 3rd (06:54)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 6th (04:13)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 9th (09:02)
  7. 7st. Gianina Valdebenito
    Burpees Reload Part I: 8th (04:00)
    The devil in me : 9th (12:05)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 8th (04:56)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 7th (08:56)
  8. 7st. Sendy Palumbo
    Burpees Reload Part I: 9th (04:20)
    The devil in me : 6th (10:20)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 7th (04:52)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 10th (09:10)
  9. 7st. Francisca Garrido
    Unidos Training
    Burpees Reload Part I: 7th (03:27)
    The devil in me : 8th (11:47)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 9th (05:00)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 8th (09:01)
  10. 8st. Kathrin Santelices
    Burpees Reload Part I: 10th (05:01)
    The devil in me : 10th (12:20)
    Burpees Reload Part II: 10th (05:07)
    Can't feel my legs IN: 6th (08:51)
RANK AVATAR ATLETA PUNTOS Burpees Reload Part I The devil in me Burpees Reload Part II Can't feel my legs IN
1st Sofia Cui
Unidos Training
400 1st (02:25)
100 pts
1st (06:08)
100 pts
1st (02:28)
100 pts
1st (06:18)
100 pts
2st Simone Haro 376 2nd (02:28)
97 pts
2nd (06:24)
97 pts
5th (03:10)
88 pts
3rd (06:25)
94 pts
3st Veronica Bustamante
Box Fit 311
367 4th (02:40)
91 pts
7th (10:27)
82 pts
2nd (02:59)
97 pts
2nd (06:22)
97 pts
4st Catalina Rojas
Unidos Training
367 5th (02:59)
88 pts
4th (06:55)
91 pts
2nd (02:59)
97 pts
4th (07:02)
91 pts
5st Marjorie Cordova
361 3rd (02:33)
94 pts
5th (10:00)
88 pts
4th (03:08)
91 pts
5th (08:14)
88 pts
6st Katherine Uribe
340 6th (03:06)
85 pts
3rd (06:54)
94 pts
6th (04:13)
85 pts
9th (09:02)
76 pts
7st Gianina Valdebenito
316 8th (04:00)
79 pts
9th (12:05)
76 pts
8th (04:56)
79 pts
7th (08:56)
82 pts
7st Sendy Palumbo
316 9th (04:20)
76 pts
6th (10:20)
85 pts
7th (04:52)
82 pts
10th (09:10)
73 pts
7st Francisca Garrido
Unidos Training
316 7th (03:27)
82 pts
8th (11:47)
79 pts
9th (05:00)
76 pts
8th (09:01)
79 pts
8st Kathrin Santelices 304 10th (05:01)
73 pts
10th (12:20)
73 pts
10th (05:07)
73 pts
6th (08:51)
85 pts